Bucharest, like so many other major cities in Europe, faces the challenge of combining competitiveness and sustainable urban development simultaneously. But how all these challenges are going to impact the life quality in our city, in terms of housing, economy, culture, social and environmental conditions?
Alba-Iulia, Sibiu and Cluj are three other important cities in Romania that fight to become the smartest cities in our country so it’s time to see what are the first smart steps and what more can we do reflecting on the performances of other European cities, but also of a very new developed region, as Dubai. Even if the European trend of transforming our cities into some that are smarter has generated a competition in this regards, with plenty of discussions and international conferences debating this subject, we still can’t understand what is possible in developed countries and what is possible in the emerging countries.
It’s time to find out.
Public Transport
Traffic management
Air quality
Weather sensing
Flood control
Street lighting
Crowd control
Smart metering
Waste management
Disease control
Emergency response
Patient authentification
Citizen engagement
Municipal services
Infrastructure monitoring
Event management
Recreation facilities
Shopping malls
Delivery logistics
Mobile Money
Green Energy
Efficiency & Recycling
Networks & Platforms
Devices & Services
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All conference sessions will be video recorded & edited and hosted unlimited on TelecomTV.ro, doubled on YouTube
Orange România anunță finalizarea primei etape a proiectului-pilot de la Alba Iulia, precum și începutul etapei de analiză a primelor date colectate prin soluțiile implementate. Inițiativa are drept rezultat, la aproape un an ...
Telekom și Vivid prezintă primul proiect de casă modulară inteligentă din România, care integrează o soluție completă de tip Smart Home. Aceasta include atât tehnologii de monitorizare și control al locuinței, cât și servicii ...
International Data Corporation (IDC) published an IDC Innovators report recognizing four innovative smart parking vendors with revenue under $100 million. The four vendors named IDC Innovators for smart parking ...